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At no point did anyone speak to or reach out to Mr. Hoffman, the wronged party in this incident and in subsequent encounters with Mr. Lougee.
At no point did Mr. Lougee offer an apology to Mr. Hoffman, which, subsequently, Mr. Lougee made false claims about.
When asked by a media publication why the Board didn’t reach out to Mr. Hoffman, a “source close to TEGNA” stated “Lougee had not disputed
the incident, so the facts were not an issue. As to an offer to compensate Hoffman over the incident, the source said the company was convinced that did not happen.” That statement claims that no facts were in dispute and then
proceeds to dispute those very facts. The board cannot know the facts without talking to the wronged party, which is why we are calling for this investigation.
In Mr. Lougee’s letter to employees he suggests that he “ran into Mr. Hoffman and mistakenly thought he was a hotel valet.” However,
per Mr. Hoffman’s account, which was released publicly, Mr. Lougee sat one seat away from Mr. Hoffman at the head table at an industry event and conversed with him over lunch immediately prior to the incident.
Mr. Lougee’s recounting of the incident is inconsistent with how the event actually transpired and omits critical details provided by Mr. Hoffman.