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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Notes to Financial Statements
Description of business, basis of presentation and summary of significant accounting policies
Strategic actions
Acquisitions, investments and dispositions
Goodwill and other intangible assets
Other assets and investments
Income taxes
Long-term debt
Retirement plans
Fair value measurement
Shareholders' equity
Business operations and segment information
Asset impairment and facility consolidation charges (gains)
Other matters
Discontinued operations
Accounting Policies
Description of business, basis of presentation and summary of significant accounting policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Description of business, basis of presentation and summary of significant accounting policies (Tables)
Acquisitions, investments and dispositions (Tables)
Goodwill and other intangible assets (Tables)
Other assets and investments (Tables)
Income taxes (Tables)
Long-term debt (Tables)
Retirement plans (Tables)
Fair value measurement (Tables)
Shareholders' equity (Tables)
Business operations and segment information (Tables)
Asset impairment and facility consolidation charges (gains) (Tables)
Other matters (Tables)
Discontinued operations (Tables)
Notes Details
Description of business, basis of presentation and summary of significant accounting policies - Additional Information (Detail)
Description of business, basis of presentation and summary of significant accounting policies - Early Adoption of New Accounting Pronouncements (Details)
Strategic actions - Narrative (Details)
Acquisitions, Investments and dispositions - Narrative (Detail)
Goodwill and other intangible assets - Narrative (Detail)
Goodwill and other intangible assets - Goodwill, Indefinite-Lived Intangible Assets, and Amortizable Intangible Assets (Detail)
Goodwill and other intangible assets - Future Annual Amortization Expense (Details)
Goodwill and other intangible assets - Summary of the Change in Net Goodwill (Detail)
Other assets and investments - Components of Investments and Other Assets (Detail)
Other assets and investments - Narrative (Detail)
Income taxes - Narrative (Detail)
Income taxes - Provision (Benefit) for Income Taxes on Income from Continuing Operations (Detail)
Income taxes - Components of Income (Loss) from Continuing Operations Attributable to Gannett Co., Inc. Before Income Taxes (Detail)
Income taxes - Reconciliation of Effective Tax Rate (Detail)
Income taxes - Deferred Tax Liabilities and Assets (Detail)
Income taxes - Summary of Activity Related to Unrecognized Tax Benefits, Excluding Federal Tax Benefit of State Tax Deductions (Detail)
Long-term debt (Detail)
Long-term debt - Interest Rates (Detail)
Long-term debt - Narrative (Detail)
Long-term debt - Schedule of Annual Maturities (Details)
Retirement plans - Narrative (Detail)
Retirement plans - Pension Costs (Detail)
Retirement plans - Reconciliation of Benefit Obligations, Plan Assets and Funded Status of Company-Sponsored Retirement Plans (Detail)
Retirement plans - Funded Status of Principal Retirement Plans (Details)
Retirement plans - Accumulated Benefit Obligations (Details)
Retirement plans - Projected Benefit Obligation (Details)
Retirement plans - Amounts Recorded in AOCI (Details)
Retirement plans - Other Changes in Plan Assets and Benefit Obligations Recognized in Other Comprehensive (Loss) Income (Detail)
Retirement plans - Assumptions Used to Determine Defined Benefit Plans Costs (Detail)
Retirement plans - Assumptions Used to Determine Pension Year-End Benefit Obligations (Detail)
Retirement plans - Asset Allocation for Company-Sponsored Pension Plans and Target Allocations by Asset Category (Detail)
Retirement plans - Estimated Benefit Payments (Detail)
Fair value measurement - Narrative (Detail)
Fair value measurement - Financial Instruments Measured at Fair Value (Detail)
Fair value measurement - Fair Value of Pension Plan Assets by Level within Fair Value Hierarchy (Detail)
Shareholders' equity - Narrative (Detail)
Shareholders' equity - Earnings Per Share (Basic and Diluted) (Detail)
Shareholders' equity - Assumptions Used to Estimate Fair Value of Option Awards (Detail)
Shareholders' equity - Stock-Based Compensation Expense (Detail)
Shareholders' equity - Summary of Restricted Stock and RSU Awards (Detail)
Shareholders' equity - Summary of Performance Shares (Details)
Shareholders' equity - Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Details)
Shareholders' equity - Reclassifications out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) (Details)
Business operations and segment information - Narrative (Detail)
Business operations and segment information (Detail)
Asset impairment and facility consolidation charges (gains) (Detail)
Other matters - Narrative (Detail)
Other matters - Future Commitments (Detail)
Discontinued operations - Narrative (Details)
Discontinued operations - Income Statement Disclosures (Details)
Discontinued operations - Depreciation, Amortization and Capital Expenditures (Details)
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